Dear FSU members,
On behalf of the FSU Elections Committee, thank you to all who voted in the FSU Executive Committee election.
Voting closed this morning and the election results are in.
Congratulations to your new FSU Executive Committee members.
President: Marlene Kim
Librarian Representative: Tina Mullins
Tenured Faculty Representatives: Steven Levine and Askold Melnyczuk
Pre-Tenured Representative: Sofya Aptekar
Non-Tenured Representatives: Ellen Frank and Ursula Tafe
Here is the actual election result including the total number of votes cast for each office, the percent of eligible voters who voted and the votes per candidate.
Again, thank you for voting and have a great Spring Break.
Caroline Coscia, FSU Elections Committee Chair
Caroline L. Coscia
University of Massachusetts Boston
Senior Lecturer, Political Science Department