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Inside UMB-FSU

FSU Executive Committee Meeting TOMORROW Wednesday, 10/19, 3:00-3:45


Dear FSU Members,

The FSU Executive Committee is meeting TOMORROW Wednesday, October 19th 3:00PM - 3:45PM (please note that the end time of the meeting has been changed from 4:30 to 3:45).

These meetings are open to all active members of the FSU.   

The meetings will be hybrid. For those joining in person, we are meeting in ISC 1 - 1400. For those on zoom,  contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for Zoom information.

FSU Nuts & Bolts: Work Environment and Workload Policies


Dear Member, 

As we approach mid semester and the scheduling of our spring semester schedules, we think this issue of Nuts & Bolts is a good time to share some policies and contract language associated with our work environment and workload.   


Board of Trustee Policies  

The Point: The Cost of a Hostile Takeover?


Greetings, Colleagues:

Subject: The Continued Attack on our Africana Studies Department

Action Item: Support the co-sponsored resolution that the FSU Executive Committee and the Africana Studies Department will be bringing to the Faculty Council Meeting on November 7th

Reminder: FSU LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group's Five and a Slide


Dear FSU,

This is a kind reminder that slides for the “5 and a Slide” event on October 19 can be sent to Timothy ( on 10/12. This will allow him to compile the slides into a single slide show before the event.

For those of you who need extra day to whip up a slide, please take it. Don’t let a deadline prevent you from presenting

To the rest of you, we hope you will join us on 10/19 from 5-6:30 in the Integrated Science Complex (ISC) 3300

Be well,


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