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Political Action

REMINDER: Speak out this Wednesday against proposed increases to health care costs


Dear Colleague,

We’d like to remind you that the Group Insurance Commission will hear from you this Wednesday, February 1 at 12:30 about:

A Gathering of NTT Faculty

Dear NTT Colleague,

The fifth meeting for NTTs will be on Sunday, February 5, at UMass Boston in room 3540 on the third floor of the Campus Center from 10 to 2

This is a group from the four UMass campuses who share common concerns, help one another, and speak with one voice as much as possible.  Many community college NTTs have also joined our group.

Speak out to keep your health care costs from increasing on Wed Feb 1 at 12:30

The Group Insurance Commission will hear from you on Wednesday, February 1 at 12:30 about:

Protest the UMB budget cuts this Wed at 9 am

In the wake of the recently announced campus budget cuts, and with the promise of more cuts to come, it is crucial that we hold the Board of Trustees accountable for the role they are playing in threatening our institution's urban mission.  

Depending on weather, we will be gathering to picket outside 1 Beacon Street at 7:30 am and then head into the Administration and Finance Committee meeting of the Board of Trustees at 9 am to support our union speakers, Faculty Staff Union President Marlene Kim and Professional Staff Union vice-president Anneta Argyres.  

Talk this Thursday on higher education and election activities from the FSU

Dear Colleagues,

We thought you may be interested in the events below: 

► Save our Public Schools: 


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