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Parking petition, bargaining update and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleagues:

A lot has been going on. 

► Parking fee increase:  We will be sending you a survey soon for your thoughts on this.  Thanks to many of you for your thoughts already.  In the meantime, for those of you opposing the parking fee increase, please sign and circulate this petition here:

FSU Bargaining Update


The FSU bargaining team has met with the administration a few times since our last update; this is what has occurred (for previous updates on bargaining, including areas of bargaining not listed in this update, click here):

We have agreed to major changes in the contract language concerning CAPS/Distance Learning/Continuing Education.

Welcome back and call your state senator today or tomorrow


Dear Colleagues:

We usually have a welcome back letter at the beginning of the semester, with events of interest, but so many things occurred, we never did.  So please let me belatedly welcome new faculty and librarians to campus and for those who are returning, welcome you back to campus.  We will have more information shortly on the progress of bargaining and on the latest parking fee increase proposal from the Administration. In the meantime, here is the latest:

Update on parking fee proposal


Dear Colleagues:

The administration has now officially given the FSU its parking proposal, which can be seen here and is summarized below. 

  • Bayside (even with its impending sale, the university foresees parking at this lot for 3-5 years):

$9/day (from $6/day currently); $144 for monthly pass ($96 currently); $576/semester pass ($96/currently). 

Reminder on health insurance coverage changes, and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleagues:

Please come to the 5 pm speak-out on your health care benefits right next to campus today or express your concerns over proposed health care changes. 


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