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Higher Education

Your health care premium increases and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are having a great break.  Here are some updates and reminders:

Help Raise $43 Million per year for UMB Thursday March 21


Dear Colleagues,

What would you do with $43 million more per year at UMB? 

The Cherish Act (Senate Bill 741 and House Bill 1214) will infuse Higher Education in Massachusetts with $500 million/year, of which over $43 million/year will go to UMass Boston. 

Protest this Thursday at Board of Trustees meeting


Dear Colleague,

Protest at the Board of Trustees meeting this Thursday, February 14 in Boston.

Welcome back!


Dear Colleague,

Welcome back to the spring semester.  For those of you just joining us, welcome to UMass Boston! 

Here are some updates and reminders:

► FSU internal organizer for this semester.  Sandra (Sandy) Howland, FSU member and union activist, (Senior Lecturer II, English), will be an FSU internal organizer this semester. Sandy will be working with the FSU to discuss with members their concerns and issues on campus and to increase membership involvement. 


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