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Higher Education

Africana Studies – 16 Restorative Justice Demands


Dear FSU Members,

The attached set of Restorative Justice Demands from the Africana Studies Department may be of interest to many of you.


Steve Striffler

FSU, President

For information on the FSU, links to our contract and bargaining updates, and a calendar of events, see the FSU webpage

The Point: Following the Money


“Don’t Believe the Hype. It’s a sequel.”

--Public Enemy

Greetings, colleagues.

TOMORROW- FSU Forum: Policing and Police Unions


Dear FSU Members,     

Thursday, 12:00 to 1:30   (contact the FSU office for Zoom meeting information)

In response to queries from members, the FSU will host a discussion about the broad issues of policing and police unions, including complex questions of defunding, demilitarization, and disbanding that have emerged in response to events both nationally and on our own campus.  Prior to opening the discussion, we will start with interventions from:


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