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“Bonus” edition of The Point: A Response to the UNLV Attack


The ad hoc committee presently operating The Point received the message below from our esteemed colleague Prof. Paul Watanabe. This committee is relaying this message of support and solidarity as an urgent response to the horrifying attack at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

The Point: Solidarity: A love story


Dear Member,

The American media reflexively depicts unions that stand up for themselves as selfish or stupid. In James Baldwin’s words, any “relatively conscious” working person can see that nothing could be further from the truth.

Nuts & Bolts: Raise Status, Core Bargaining Team, Membership Benefits


Dear Members, 

Status of Our Raises:  The Good, the bad and the……….

Nuts & Bolts: Investment in Public Higher Education is Investment in Us


Dear Members,

The first Nuts & Bolts of the new academic year includes an update on the Anti-Racism grants and focuses on the lack of state investment in higher education.

Anti-Racism Grants

FSU Endorsement of the Justice for Sayed Arif Faisal Solidarity Statement and Call-to-Action by Educators


Dear Member,

The University of Massachusetts Boston traces its roots to progressive educators who advanced an emancipatory vision of higher education. Central to that vision is the belief that faculty and staff at public universities have a moral obligation—both to the state and to their students—to ensure that their research, teaching, service, and civic engagement respond to the challenges of democratic life. 


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