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Community News

The Point: ICYMI


Greetings, Colleagues:

Some weeks I think my job in The Point is to communicate what seems like breaking news, FSU Ex-Com business of particular note, or announcements of upcoming events and actions.

Academic Freedom Forum and Resources


Dear FSU Members,

The Point: Mourn and Organize


Greetings, Colleagues:

Anti-Asian Violence – Atlanta and Beyond


Dear FSU Members,

The Faculty-Staff Union expresses our grief and anger in response to the recent mass shooting in Atlanta and wishes to express solidarity with all Asian Americans and Asians who have experienced racial and gendered violence.  We understand the historical roots and contemporary manifestations of anti-Asian violence, and recognize how foundational violence towards, and exclusion of, Asian Americans and Asians is in the history of white supremacy in the United States.

Forum- Anti-Asian Racism under the Pandemic


Dear FSU Members,


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