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FSU Raises, Bargaining, Health, and Politics!


Dear FSU members,

If you make it to the end of this overly long email you will have a guaranteed place in union heaven!  There is something for everyone!

The Point: Strikewave! In Our Backyard


Greetings, Colleagues:

Get Involved with the Higher Ed Labor United Coalition


Dear FSU members,

At the first FSU Executive Committee meeting of the semester, Ex Com voted to endorse the Vision Platform statement of the nation-wide coalition, Higher Ed Labor United (HELU).   This makes FSU one of 84 union locals in over 30 states (representing over 400,000 higher ed workers) to have joined this coalition.

Washington Post Opinion – from FSU member


Dear FSU Members,

We write to share a poignant Opinion piece on the “war on drugs” that just appeared in the Washington Post from one of our members and colleagues, Professor Tony Van Der Meer.


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