Dear Colleague,
The FSU’s parking organizing will continue by meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 14 from 12-1:30 pm in Wheatley, 5th floor, room 41.
Following up on last week's parking bargaining update, we will review and assess ideas for action from last week, hear new ideas, and work on implementing the best of these We will focus both on what we can still do for FSU parking bargaining, as well as helping students and staff, to put pressure on the administration to reduce these harmful fee hikes. We need faculty involvement if we are to keep our public commuter campus accessible.
You can Zoom into the meeting (contact FSU for info). If you are interested in helping with parking organizing but cannot make this meeting, please send an email to fsu@umb.edu indicating your interest and how you'd like to be involved.
In solidarity,
Members of the FSU Parking Organizing Committee:
John Hess, Senior Lecturer II, English/American Studies, FSU Vice President
Marlene Kim, Professor, Economics, FSU President
Joe Ramsey, Lecturer, English/American Studies
Jason Rodriquez, Assistant Professor, Sociology