Dear FSU Members,
We wanted to provide you with a brief update on the status of about 250 of our NTT colleagues who received non-reappointment notices at the end of the Spring 20 semester (see here for more):
In late Spring 20, the FSU made a number of formal proposals to Admin that were intended to take into account the extraordinary situation brought about by the Covid crisis. Among other things, we proposed that reappointments, should they occur, should be done in order of seniority, that Associate Lecturers not lose any of their accumulated service time for purposes of future promotion should they be rehired after Fall 20, and that any Lecturers who were eligible for continuing appointments be allowed to delay their continuing appointment eligibility by one semester (i.e. to Spring 21 instead of Fall 20; normally, if an eligible Lecturer is not granted a continuing appointment in their semester of eligibility, they will not be rehired). In the end, the Administration only agreed to the latter proposal regarding Lecturers who were eligible for continuing appointments (we have finalized a memorandum of agreement on the latter).
We have tracked the list of NTT who received the non-reappointment notices to see who might have been reappointed in Fall 20. A final tally shows that about 63% were reappointed (contact the FSU if you would like additional details).
Steve Striffler Caroline Coscia
FSU President FSU Vice President
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