Ex Com was asked to vote to approve recommendation to the General Assembly of the following proposed changes to the FSU bylaws on 9/28/17. The FSU Executive Committee voted to approve the approve recommendation to the General Assembly of the following proposed changes to the FSU bylaws on 9/28/17. The votes were 10 in favor; 0 opposed; 2 members did not vote.
Article III, Section 5: Should a seat on the Executive Committee become vacant through resignation, the Committee shall, at its sole discretion, either (1) choose a replacement from among those who were candidates in the previous election, (2) allow the seat to remain empty until the next general election, or (3) allow the membership to elect a candidate to serve the remainder of the term. Such an election will occur at the next regularly scheduled annual election.
Article III, Section 5: Should a seat on the Executive Committee become vacant through resignation, the Committee shall, at its sole discretion, either (1) choose a replacement from among those who were candidates in the previous election, (2) allow the seat to remain empty until the next general election, or (3) allow the membership to elect a candidate to serve the remainder of the term. Such an election will be a special election called by the Executive Committee, or will occur at the next regularly scheduled annual election.