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September 28, 2017- Ex Com E-Vote: Approval Of Recommendation of Proposed FSU Bylaws Changes


Ex Com was asked to vote to approve recommendation to the General Assembly of the following proposed changes to the FSU bylaws on 9/28/17. The FSU Executive Committee voted to approve the approve recommendation to the General Assembly of the following proposed changes to the FSU bylaws on 9/28/17. The votes were 10 in favor; 0 opposed; 2 members did not vote.


Article III, Section 5: Should a seat on the Executive Committee become vacant through resignation, the Committee shall, at its sole discretion, either (1) choose a replacement from among those who were candidates in the previous election, (2) allow the seat to remain empty until the next general election, or (3) allow the membership to elect a candidate to serve the remainder of the term. Such an election will occur at the next regularly scheduled annual election.


Article III, Section 5: Should a seat on the Executive Committee become vacant through resignation, the Committee shall, at its sole discretion, either (1) choose a replacement from among those who were candidates in the previous election, (2) allow the seat to remain empty until the next general election, or (3) allow the membership to elect a candidate to serve the remainder of the term. Such an election will be a special election called by the Executive Committee, or will  occur at the next regularly scheduled annual election.