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September 22, 2017

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Friday, September 22, 2017

Members Present: Marlene Kim; John Hess; Peggy Walsh; Sofya Aptekar; Steve Levine; Ellen Frank; Joe Ramsey; Steve Striffler; Karen Suyemoto

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator; Jeff Keisler, TT Grievance Officer; Mickey Gallagher, MTA Consultant; Kathy Kogan, FSU member

  1. Approval of the agenda- Motion made to approve agenda. Motion seconded. Motion to approve agenda passes..
  2. Approval of the minutes and evotesMotion made to approve 9/11/7 Ex Com e-vote minutes. Motion is seconded. Motion passes. Motion made to approve 5/10/17 Ex Com meeting minutes as amended below. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
  •   Caroline: Suggest that a General Assembly meeting be called in Fall 17 to do outreach to members in light of pending Supreme Court decision.

Insert:  Caroline: Suggested that a General Assembly meeting be held Fall 17 for the purpose of gathering members more than once a year, to share information and to adopt policy and bylaw proposals.

  1. All In/Membership engagement Discussion of MTA All-In plan, including having ex com members contact members.  Discussion about the need for more information on what FSU does specifically. Motion made to follow Joe Ramsey’s suggestion to follow speaker’s list without interruptions.. Motion made to discuss having a subcommittee formed to develop MERR subcommittee. Motion seconded. Discussion of motion and need for different forms of outreach. Suggestion made that everyone on Ex Com set up one on ones with their department colleagues while simultaneously setting up MERR subcommittee. Discussion of how to form the MERR subcommittee. Question called. Vote to end debate and talk about MERR subcommittee instead of All In Plan passes. Suggestion made to have 6 to 10 people on this subcommittee, with 2 or so on Ex Com, rest from rank and file. Joe, John, Marlene, and Steve S. volunteer to be on the MERR subcommittee. Discussion of need for a timeline on the All In plan. Comment made that it would be great if committee had ‘core membership’ but would be open to all members. Need for demographic diversity on subcommittee and collegiate diversity were noted. Discussion of need to have TT on committee. Concern was raised about ‘loading’ of subcommittees with people of particular outlooks. Motion made to charge Ex Com members who volunteered to work on MERR to come up with list of possible members to add and a charge for the MERR subcommittee. Friendly amendment: this list should be returned to Ex Com for an email vote within a week. Friendly amendment accepted (back in a week for email vote). Motion with friendly amendment seconded. Motion passes.


  1. Nonmember campaign-  Suggestion made to roll into MERR campaign. Motion made to move non-member campaign (i.e. outreach to non-payers and agency fee payers) into MERR subcommittee. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
  2. Advisory Committee Plan for Non-CLA Members [SEE BELOW]- The MSP has 2nd executive body that requires representation from different colleges. Discussion of proposal.  Suggestion that ‘in consultation with Ex Com’ be added and that members on advisory committee are conveyed to Ex Com. Discussion of general issues of voice, involvement, openness, process for composition. Motion made to accept advisory proposal with friendly amendment to add ‘in consultation with Ex Com’, that members  of advisory committee are conveyed to Ex Com, and to put out call to overall membership first than have President and VP convene committee was approved.


  1. Staffing FSU Committees

A.Bylaws Committee (Article II, Section VII)- Caroline Coscia, Peggy Walsh, Steve  Levine, Jeff Keisler. 

B  Communications Committee- Linda Liu and Tina Mullins will be editors of FaceBook and Twitter this academic year.  Motion made to add to Linda Liu to FSU Communications Committee. Motion seconded. Motion passes.

C. JCC- John Hess, Marlene Kim, Steve  Levine, Jeff Keisler; substitutes are Caroline Coscia and Steve Striffler. 

D. NTT Merit Review Committee-Ellen Frank and Ursula Tafe

Suggestion made to add ad hoc subcommittee to examine Associate Lecturers (i.e. ensuring they are being hired according to terms of the contract). Discussion of this committee, including the need for this subcommittee, how information would need to be gathered, etc.  Suggestion for this committee was withdrawn. 

Question about general committee formation that was not included in the agenda. Motion made to staff committees as specified in 4a-d above. Motion seconded. Motion passes. Motion made to have committee on the committees subcommittee formed now.  Motion made to table item for next Ex Com meeting. Motion on tabling this committee  withdrawn. Motion made to have ‘committee on committees’ subcommittee formed now withdrawn.

  1. Replacing Vacant NTT Ex Com seat- Discussion of options to fill this seat.  Motion made to put before FSU General Assembly a change in the bylaws to allow for a special election.  Question called. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
  2. FSU Meeting, October 12, 2017 – Discussion that we need to specify that the first part of this meeting needs to be open to all unit members since it will be about bargaining and the budget cuts the last part of meeting will be an FSU General Assembly meeting (i.e. open to FSU members only) for approving the bylaw change and the special election.
  3. Bargaining feedback on priorities and possible strategy- Very brief update. 
  4. Evaluate how we did the agenda and suggestions forward- We need to have agenda items more than 48 hours before the agenda needs to go out. 


Rationale: All of the faculty currently on the Executive Committee are members of the College of Liberal Arts. Although this has not always been the case, it has long been the case that some colleges and schools at UMB have had minimal representation and are less engaged. This limits FSU’s ability to understand, reach out to, and serve its full constituency, as well as its ability to benefit from the talents and efforts of that full constituency. For comparison, like FSU, MSP’s executive committee is elected university-wide. But MSP also has an executive board of directors including members from each of their colleges, as well as a body of department representatives. While this is not necessarily the right model for FSU, it does suggest the possibility of some formal representation required at each level. Given the major challenges expected in the next year, time is of the essence in having some mechanism for broadening FSU’s engagement. In order to have something in place for now, without rushing to permanent decisions, e.g., without changes in bylaws, the motion proposed below 

Proposed motion:

The president and vice president shall appoint an ad hoc advisory committee which will have between one and two members from each college and school in the university; a chair will also be appointed. The committee will stand for AY 17-18.

The advisory committee shall meet once per month with the President and Vice President, with the option for Executive Committee members to observe. One Executive Committee meeting in Fall 17 and one in Spring 18 shall explicitly invite the Advisory Committee and shall have an agenda item led by the advisory committee.  In addition to other matters, the advisory committee shall be charged with reporting to the Executive Committee (or shall form a task force with selected members of the Executive Committee to formulate) recommendations for how FSU should institutionalize wider representation of UMB faculty.