Members Present: Catherine Lynde Heike Schotten Marlene Kim Amy Todd Peggy Walsh Linda Dumas Steven Levine Tina Mullins Kathy Kogan Meredith Hoy
Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator Jeff Keisler, FSU Grievance Officer Al Leisinger, FSU NTT Grievance Officer
Department Chairs’ Union Vote- There will be a meeting on 3/14/14 for FSU chairs at the Department of Labor Relations. The meeting concerns the chairs’ vote on whether or not to join the FSU. The FSU will hold open forums to discuss this vote (date and time to be determined).
Higher Ed Conference April 11-12- The Higher Ed Leadership Council of the MTA (HELC) is organizing this conference. There will be a workshop at this event concerning the ORP-SERS transfer possibility.
The first Admin-FSU bargaining meeting will occur on 3/21/14. The FSU bargaining team still needs to receive input from Nursing faculty concerning proposed Clinical Track Faculty language. Linda Dumas agreed to ask Nursing Chair and Dean for a meeting with faculty to discuss the MSP proposal and decide if the latter is sufficient for the FSU.
Job Opening: FSU Admin Assistant
The FSU has posted the Admin Asst job on a variety of local sites (the position is half-time; UMB students and employees are welcome to apply). Ex Com members who know anyone who is interested should have them contact the FSU office.
Update: ORP-SERS Legislation
It was reported that the DHE and MTA hope to have enough info re the terms and conditions of the transfer to produce a booklet of information for members (it was hoped this would be released by 4/1/14 but that date is variable). The DHE indicated that they would be hosting forums to discuss the transfer over the course of the next few months (locations throughout the public higher ed system). It was noted that neither the FSU nor any FSU member acting in their capacity as a union rep can give financial advice re the ORP-SERS legislation. It was also suggested that the FSU send out a follow-up email to members explaining that any ORP member who ‘dips into’ ORP funds for retirement will forfeit their ability to transfer to SERS.
MTA Annual Meeting, May 10-11
11 FSU members have agreed to serve as delegates (the FSU is allotted 16 total). Any FSU member interested in serving as a delegate should contact the FSU office (Heike Schotten, Linda Dumas, and Marlene Kim agreed to serve if the remaining 5 slots are not filled; Peggy Walsh agreed to serve). The FSU will send out an email asking for delegates. It was noted that, apart from the MTA President vote, there is also an important vote on a proposed change to the MTA dues structure that would result in lower dues for part-time members.
Admin/HR ‘Receivership’ Letter/Campaign
A meeting is in the process of being scheduled to discuss strategies for how to compel Admin to comply with the contract (an invitation will be extend to the entire Ex Com and to the FSU grievance officers).
FSU Logo
There was discussion of whether or not to pay the estimated $750 to a graphic designer to design both the FSU logo and possible button and t-shirt patterns. It was agreed that it was preferable to pay the designer a lump sum rather than bill her by the hour. Lorenzo Nencioli will contact designer to see if this is possible.
Grievance Committee Report
There was an update on a number of pending grievances. It was reported that the grievance concerning non-issuance of multi-year contract for Senior Lecturers has been resolved following mediation after a hearing at the Department of Labor Relations (the agreement between Admin and FSU states that all Senior Lecturers will be given 2 or 3 year multi-year contracts starting Fall 14; in addition, Admin agrees to develop protocols for future implementation in conjunction with the FSU).
FSU Ex Com Elections
There was discussion of whether or not future Ex Com meetings should be scheduled prior to elections so that possible candidates would run only if they are available (3 Ex Com members said yes, 4 said no). This question will be taken up in Fall 14. It was also suggested that at least one of the Ex Com meetings per semester be scheduled in an evening. Elections will occur sometime in April (slots open: President, Librarian, NTT, Pre-Tenure TT, Tenured). LN will notify members of their term of service dates. Members are tasked with finding interested candidates. Marlene Kim expressed interest in running for the office of President.
Grad Students Teaching Credit Bearing Courses and CLA 2/2 Effect on NTT
Catherine presented data from Institutional Research detailing changes in NTT sections during the last year (i.e. changes in the average number of sections taught by NTT). Amy Todd agreed to examine the data in more detail to see if grad student teaching and/or CLA’s change to a 2/2 tenure track faculty load has had an impact on NTT jobs. It was noted that the CLA Senate will be investigating the effect of 2/2 this Spring (input/comments should be sent to Bonnie Miller in American Studies).
FSU Newsletter
The Ex Com was asked for ideas for the Spring 14 newsletter. Possible article topics include the ‘receivership’ campaign, bargaining, FSU election results (depending on the release date of the newsletter), an examination of CLA 2/2, Barbara MAdeloni’s candidacy for MTA President, a ‘Better Know Your Contract’ article featuring an explanation of the NTT priority list, add comp for pension calculations, and a farewell article from Catherine Lynde. Any member with an article idea should contact the FSU office.