Ex Com was asked on 5/1/20 to vote on the letter below (copy at bottom of doc). Motion made on 5/1/20 by Ex Com member Joseph Brown to suspend normal Ex Com e-voting rules and approve (see below). Motion seconded.
Motion: That we suspend the usual e-vote rule (requiring 24 hrs for discussion, 48 hrs for voting, etc.) and instead vote via email chain to add the FSU Executive Committee's signature to this letter to President Meehan. The FSU Executive Committee voted approve (10 votes in favor, none opposed).
From: Caroline Coscia <Caroline.Coscia@umb.edu>
Sent: Friday, May 1, 2020 8:24 PM
To: Marlene Kim <Marlene.Kim@umb.edu>; Tim Sieber <Tim.Sieber@umb.edu>; Jeffrey Melnick <Jeffrey.Melnick@umb.edu>; Emilio Sauri <Emilio.Sauri@umb.edu>; Jose Martinez-Reyes <Jose.Martinez-Reyes@umb.edu>; Jessica R Holden <Jessica.Holden@umb.edu>; Joseph Brown <Joseph.Brown@umb.edu>; Meghan E Kallman <Meghan.Kallman@umb.edu>; Joseph Ramsey <Joseph.Ramsey@umb.edu>; Tracy J Brown <Tracy.Brown@umb.edu>; Monique Fuguet <Monique.Fuguet@umb.edu>; Linda Ai-Yun Liu <Linda.Liu@umb.edu>
Cc: D'Urso, Katie <KD'Urso@massteacher.org>; Faculty Staff Union <FSU@umb.edu>
Subject: Signatory to UMass Coalition Letter
Dear Executive Committee,
I write seeking your support to be a signatory to a letter the UMass Coalition is sending to President Meehan and Board of Trustee Chair Manning.
At the end of yesterday’s annual meeting I mentioned actions coming from the UMass United Coalition. One is a letter. The letter is in its final stages and the goal is to have it go out Monday. Yes, it is fast, but anything related to our campuses are moving wicked fast.
I have attached the letter with a watermark as I have the version from earlier today. There has probably been a bit of wordsmithing. The Coalition voted to accept the list of demands.
The FSU Core Bargaining Team has voted to be a signer.
Thank you for your consideration,
Caroline L. Coscia
University of Massachusetts Boston
Senior Lecturer II, Political Science Department
Sunday, 5/30/20, 4:15PM
I think we should be on board too. Our vote last week was regarding the letter to the incoming chancellor, so this letter to Meehan needs a separate vote.
Since it's time urgent to sign on before the coalition sends Meehan the letter, I would like to introduce a motion:
That we suspend the usual e-vote rule (requiring 24 hrs for discussion, 48 hrs for voting, etc.) and instead vote via email chain to add the FSU Executive Committee's signature to this letter to President Meehan.
As with any motion involving a suspension of rules, this vote requires a 2/3 majority (in our case 9 "yes" votes) to pass. If it passes, the Ex Comm's signature can be added immediately to the letter to Meehan.
Does anyone second this motion?
Joseph Brown, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston MA 02125
(617) 287-6901
Dear President Meehan,
The UMass community has not been spared the impacts--from illness to economic loss--of the coronavirus pandemic. But with the incredible efforts and sacrifices made by UMass staff, faculty, and students, including essential personnel, and with assistance from the federal and state government, we are weathering this storm fairly well. Our current budget for FY2020 is only off by about 1% system wide, with some divisions of UMass showing no net losses. FY2021, however, might be more difficult absent robust aid and prudent planning.
COVID-19 hit our state quickly and with great force at a time when most campus unions were heading into successor negotiations on their three-year contracts. As it stands, bargaining across the Commonwealth has slowed for most units, just as the unions are being asked to make major concessions or changes to members wages, hours, and working conditions. Within UMass, communication and transparency with the unions and bargaining unit employees varies by campus and even by bargaining unit. Nonetheless, the unions are engaged and collaborative and prepared to continue helping UMass maintain the quality so many of us have worked hard to achieve.
The unions representing staff and faculty across the UMass campuses believe that if all of the partners in the system stand together, UMass will emerge from this current crisis stronger. The COVID-19 pandemic cannot force us to change our goal of being a thriving, accessible, world-class center for excellence in education, research, scholarship, and service, as well as an economic and social-mobility engine for the Commonwealth and a model employer. As we all know, one of the best investments a society can make is in the education of its people. Furthermore, to revive our economy, it will be crucial for the state, with federal assistance, to support the jobs, facilities, and services that make up our public sector and particularly the higher education system. As partners in this eventual success, we ask that you agree to do the following:
We look forward to hearing your thoughts on our request.
On Behalf of the UMass Unions United,