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ACTIVIST ALERT: Help get paid family leave, increase the minimum wage, and support Dreamers


Dear Colleague,

Please help in these worthy causes:

►The MTA, in coalition with community and labor groups through Raise Up Massachusetts (which passed the Fair Share Amendment), is collecting signatures for two ballot initiatives:

  • Paid Family Leave in Massachusetts, and
  • Increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour

Petitions and fact sheets are in the union office.  Please take some and collect signatures for this effort (and bring your collected signatures back to the FSU Office by Friday, November 10; note each town needs a separate petition).  Let us know if you took petitions so we can keep track of these! 

Send a postcard to Congress to Support Dreamers: The National Education Association is part of a national coalition pushing for passage of the Dream Act.   This week we are sending messages and posting on social media to support our nation’s immigrants, Dreamers, and DACAmented students and educators.

President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program put the lives of 800,000 Dreamers, including 20,000 DACAmented educators and thousands more students, into turmoil.  Demand that Congress pass a clean Dream Act - no trading Dreamers' lives for the lives of their parents, or a wall, or militarization of the border.  Send a postcard to Members of Congress. Tell them why you support Dreamers:


Marlene Kim

FSU President

Professor, Economics

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