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Union Speak Out – Tomorrow 11:30-12:30 - Please Attend


Dear Colleagues,

Please join all the campus unions at the UMASS UNION UNITED Speak Out Tomorrow, October 31st from 11:30 to 12:30 right outside of Wheatley.  Representatives for all the Campus Unions will speak to the pay/salary issues facing our members. 

We had intended to march to the FSU bargaining session after the Speak Out but just learned the Administration cancelled our bargaining session.  Even more reason to Speak Out!

Nuts & Bolts: Upcoming events, NTTs with 50% or greater continuing appointments, academic freedom webinar, sabbaticals, and MTA benefits


FSU Calendar October 28th to November 1st

Monday, October 28th 5:00-6:00PM Yes on 2 Savin Hill Canvassing

Join with Yes on 2 supporters to canvas our neighbors.  See attached flyer for details.

Wednesday, October 30th 11:45- 1:30PM   Coffee, Tea and Yes on 2 

Nuts & Bolts: FSU member gathering, Health & Safety Committee opening, elections, Anti racism grant deadline, and travel funds


Dear Members,

This week includes a variety of items including an invitation to the FSU fall semester member gathering, and an announcement seeking a member to serve as our representative to the Health & Safety committee.

FSU Member Gathering is Wednesday, October 9th 11:30AM - 1:00PM, Campus Center Ballroom

2 easy ways to support the FSU!


Dear Members,

As we get into the thick of things with bargaining, we wanted to share two easy things you can do to support the bargaining team and show your FSU member pride.

  1. Thursdays are now PROUD UMASS UNION MEMBER DAY! 

Wear your FSU t-shirts and buttons if you come to campus on Thursdays. 

If you’re not on campus on Thursdays, wear them in all your virtual meetings, classes, etc. 


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