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Parking Bargaining Update


Dear Member,  

Over the past year, representatives of the Classified Staff Union (CSU), Department Chair Union (DCU), Faculty Staff Union (FSU), and Professional Staff Union (PSU), have joined in coalition to jointly bargain a new parking agreement with the university.  

The need to bargain a new parking agreement is based on the current agreements that our unions were compelled to accept over four years ago.  Those agreements require the parties meet to bargain a new agreement when the Bay Side parking lot is slated to close.    

Campus Center Garage - Update


Dear Members, 

We write to update you on the Campus Center garage closure. 

The campus community was informed of the fire protection system issue and subsequent closure in a February 5th email from Kathleen Kirleis.

On February 13th the FSU replied to her seeking an update on when the garage will re-open. We also sought, if the closing is to be extended, assistance for those who have HP placards and even those who arrive before sunrise. 

Nuts & Bolts: Twas the week before grades due…….


Dear Member, 

Twas the week before grades due, when bluebooks amass 

Not a paper was late, not even a one 

The grading taking place by daylight with care 

In hopes to finish by the deadline for sure 

(My apologizes to our English colleagues and to Clement Clark Moore)  

This is the final Nuts & Bolts of the semester. Before we say goodbye for a while, we wanted to provide a few reminders including one on public higher education funding. 

Winter break communications  


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