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Legislative Efforts

Survey on budget cuts and lobby day this Wednesday

Dear Colleague,

We will compile and share this information with the UMass Boston community. No individual names or other identifying information will be shared. 

We will use this information along with a coalition of students and unions at UMass Boston to fight budget cuts on this campus.

ACTIVIST ALERT: Call your senators today to oppose Labor Secretary Nominee


Today is a national call in day against Secretary of Labor Nominee Puzder. 

Donald Trump’s nominee for Labor Secretary—fast-food CEO Andrew Puzder— made his name opposing meaningful increases to the minimum wage and overtime as he ran a fast food conglomerate.  Puzder will make workplaces worse and place the interests of corporations above the interests of working families.

REMINDER: Speak out this Wednesday against proposed increases to health care costs


Dear Colleague,

We’d like to remind you that the Group Insurance Commission will hear from you this Wednesday, February 1 at 12:30 about:

Speak out to keep your health care costs from increasing on Wed Feb 1 at 12:30

The Group Insurance Commission will hear from you on Wednesday, February 1 at 12:30 about:

Email today to keep your health care cost share from increasing

Dear Colleague,

Once again, we need to fight to keep your cost share for your health insurance from increasing.  Please take action TODAY to fight unfair changes to health insurance for educators, other public employees and retirees.

Click HERE to e-mail members of the Group Insurance Commission and urge them to oppose plan design changes that would affect state and municipal employees, their dependents and retirees.


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