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Legislative Efforts

Your health care premium increases and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are having a great break.  Here are some updates and reminders:

Help Raise $43 Million per year for UMB Thursday March 21


Dear Colleagues,

What would you do with $43 million more per year at UMB? 

The Cherish Act (Senate Bill 741 and House Bill 1214) will infuse Higher Education in Massachusetts with $500 million/year, of which over $43 million/year will go to UMass Boston. 

Health insurance hearing next Tuesday


Dear Colleague:

Happy New Year!  We hope many of you are enjoying your break.  To keep health care and parking affordable, please consider the following:

Forum on funding higher education this Thursday 4-6 pm


Dear Colleague,

Please join members of FSU, UMB student organizers, representatives of Save UMB, and other Boston-area higher education advocates for this important Forum on Funding Higher Education, this Thursday October 4, 4-6 pm in the small science auditorium on campus.  All members of the community are welcome.  Pizza and refreshments will be served! 


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