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Higher Education

Supporting Non-Tenure Track Faculty at UMB and Beyond


Dear FSU Members,

We thought the following Webinar is particularly relevant to UMB.  It looks like a significant opportunity – and is free!


Action 3/24 - Public College Should Not be a Debt Sentence!


In past years, many UMB staff, faculty and students have enjoyed visiting the State House on the annual Spring Advocacy Day organized by PHENOM (Public Higher Ed Network of Massachusetts). PHENOM needs our help this year to move a critical piece of legislation reported out of committee by April 4th. S829/H1339, An Act to Guarantee Debt-Free Public Higher Education,” would guarantee every Massachusetts resident has a right to a public higher education free of tuition, fees, and student debt and covers all MA public higher ed institutions, including UMB.

The Point: Speech! Speech!


Greetings, Colleagues:

The Point: HELU and You


Greetings, Colleagues!

(A note from Communications Director Jeff Melnick: Please read the wonderful guest Point column below written by our FSU comrade Joseph Ramsey)

From A Hundred Separate Bargaining Tables…to a United National Higher Ed Movement

HELU’s Winter Summit is Coming (February 23-27)!


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