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Protest the UMB budget cuts this Wed at 9 am

In the wake of the recently announced campus budget cuts, and with the promise of more cuts to come, it is crucial that we hold the Board of Trustees accountable for the role they are playing in threatening our institution's urban mission.  

Depending on weather, we will be gathering to picket outside 1 Beacon Street at 7:30 am and then head into the Administration and Finance Committee meeting of the Board of Trustees at 9 am to support our union speakers, Faculty Staff Union President Marlene Kim and Professional Staff Union vice-president Anneta Argyres.  

Talk this Thursday on higher education and election activities from the FSU

Dear Colleagues,

We thought you may be interested in the events below: 

► Save our Public Schools: 

Draconian budget cuts and other important information from the FSU

Dear Colleagues,

Please join is on Monday afternoon to prevent draconian budget cuts.  Information on other events is below:

► Budget Crisis and cuts.  We are hearing that the university is considering cutting 20% of all department and unit budgets across the board, and increasing parking fees up to $10. 

Tell the administration to cut ribbons, not budgets! 

Teach in on Wednesday cancelled and canvassing dates

Dear Colleague,

► FSU Teach-In on Public Higher Education:  This Wednesday October 5 has been postponed to another date.    We will keep you informed. 

► Save our Public Schools: 

Letter to the Boston Globe from UMB Union Presidents: Real Reasons for the UMB Budget Crisis

Presidents of four of unions at UMB, including FSU President Marlene Kim, signed a letter in response to UMB claims that unionized employee raises were driving the UMB budget crisis. That letter was published in the Boston Globe (see letter here). 


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