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The Point: Whose Campus?


Greetings, Colleagues.

Unions' letter to Interim Chancellor Newman – UMB Campus as police staging ground


Dear FSU Members,

The following letter was sent to Interim Chancellor Newman last night from five campus unions.

Dear Chancellor Newman,

It has come to our attention that the UMB campus was used as a staging area by city and state police forces yesterday (6/2), and then again today (6/3), in advance of area Black Lives Matter protests.  We have also learned that UMass Boston police were sent to police these protests.

Here is a first-hand account of what took place at the end of the Black Lives Matter protest on June 2:

The Point: Monday Mourning, Monday Solidarity


Greetings, Colleagues.

At this moment, we must first acknowledge and bear witness.  We grieve the loss of George Floyd, we are enraged by the continuous damage wrought by systemic racism, and we stand in solidarity with all who have been putting their bodies on the line in the past few days in the ongoing fight for justice.


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