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Send statements to prevent your health care costs from increasing


Dear Colleague,

The Group Insurance Commission (GIC) heard from members across the state yesterday, all of us opposing them for the health care cost increases they want to impose on us.  These include:

ACTIVIST ALERT: Call your senators today to oppose Labor Secretary Nominee


Today is a national call in day against Secretary of Labor Nominee Puzder. 

Donald Trump’s nominee for Labor Secretary—fast-food CEO Andrew Puzder— made his name opposing meaningful increases to the minimum wage and overtime as he ran a fast food conglomerate.  Puzder will make workplaces worse and place the interests of corporations above the interests of working families.

REMINDER: Speak out this Wednesday against proposed increases to health care costs


Dear Colleague,

We’d like to remind you that the Group Insurance Commission will hear from you this Wednesday, February 1 at 12:30 about:

A Gathering of NTT Faculty

Dear NTT Colleague,

The fifth meeting for NTTs will be on Sunday, February 5, at UMass Boston in room 3540 on the third floor of the Campus Center from 10 to 2

This is a group from the four UMass campuses who share common concerns, help one another, and speak with one voice as much as possible.  Many community college NTTs have also joined our group.

Speak out to keep your health care costs from increasing on Wed Feb 1 at 12:30

The Group Insurance Commission will hear from you on Wednesday, February 1 at 12:30 about:


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