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Class cancellation petition and BoT protest next week

Dear Colleagues:

Course Cancellations:  We have heard from many of you that classes that are required for your major or that are full have or will be been cancelled.  Please protest this problem by signing the petition here that asks for transparency in the budget process, consultation with departments and faculty when classes are cancelled, and keeping classes that are required for majors or that always fill up. 

Bargaining Update, Health Care Increases, FSU Statement


Dear Colleague,

The FSU has been busy.  Here’s an update:

► Bargaining Update:  Given the budget crisis, the administration has been unwilling to agree to proposals that cost money.  Hence they will not consider a research intensive semester for junior faculty and increased longevity pay.  They want many changes in the contract that you need to know about.  Please click here for more details.  

Survey on budget cuts and lobby day this Wednesday

Dear Colleague,

We will compile and share this information with the UMass Boston community. No individual names or other identifying information will be shared. 

We will use this information along with a coalition of students and unions at UMass Boston to fight budget cuts on this campus.

Updates From the FSU


Dear Colleague,

Welcome back to campus for those of you who are returning.  For those of you who are new, welcome to UMass Boston.  This is what is going on:

  Please take the FSU bargaining survey. It was sent on Tuesday, Feb. 7th with the subject:  ‘Your input is needed for bargaining.’ Because it is being sent by a third party, you may have received a notice saying that it failed the fraud detector test.  It is legitimate!  Please take it!  A reminder notice will be sent today. 


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