Dear Colleague,
The following is an update regarding what the FSU has accomplished during the past year regarding the issues raised in the Faculty of Color Report (see here for this report).
1. Exit interview with departing faculty and why they may leave
The administrators thought this was a great idea, including the Chancellor. They were going to pursue this through the Provost’s Office. We believe that they will work with the FSU on the survey. (Apparently it is common that those departing are not always candid when interviewed about reasons, so a survey would be best.) Unfortunately, the Provost’s office has not made progress on this from the fall, when we last reported this.
2. Ombudsperson or ombuds office at the university
The Interim Chancellor, Interim Provost, and VC-HR were receptive to this idea, recognizing that most universities have a defined position like this. The FSU investigated various models and was poised to recommend one to the university (they were waiting for us to make a recommendation), but that meeting was cancelled. The FSU hopes that when this meeting is rescheduled, this can be discussed and finalized.
3. Immigrant and international faculty resources and legal advice
The administrators thought also that this is a good idea to pursue. Much of this is online (see https://hr.umb.edu/employees/visas) and through the office of University Counsel in the President’s Office, which plays a role in examining what visa possibilities are appropriate for faculty. Sean Morgan, the new head of Global Programs is reorganizing this program to become a one stop shop for these services.
4. Racial diversity training and more education and outreach from ODEI
Racial diversity training: The Administration was agreeable to this idea that the administration should have racial awareness training (the entire text of recommendation #5 was read to them) and asked us the purpose of the training and what training programs that we recommend. An FSU committee was formed and investigated various trainings and was ready to recommend one when that meeting was cancelled but hopes to pursue this when that meeting is rescheduled. The FSU executive committee agreed to undergo diversity training.
Education and outreach from ODEI: ODEI under Georgianna Melendez, will be offering a host of programs and has developed a training called “Inclusive Excellence” that some departments have undertaken that examines implicit biases.
5. PROGRESS (Promotion, Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Service Sub-committee) report
Upon the urging of FSU President Marlene Kim, this committee has been reconstituted and will make recommendations to implement concrete proposals.
6. Mentoring/resource person/support
The FSU discussed this issue several times with the administration, including having an outside expert set up a mentoring system. The Ombudsperson can serve as a resource and support person. The FSU has been waiting to hear back from the administration about hiring the outside expert.
7. The general sense that the administration doesn’t care about discrimination issues and faculty don’t get help when they raise these concerns.
We first brought this issue up in the fall of 2018, and Interim Chancellor Newman was very concerned. ODEI was reorganized in part because of this issue: education/outreach was kept in ODEI and made more of a central focus of their mission, and compliance/investigations has been relocated to HR as a new unit on Civil Rights and Title IX. We brought up this issue again in June 2019, and in September 2019, and confirmed that these new arrangements are moving forward. We have been pursuing the ombudsperson, mentoring, support and resource persons to fill in the need in the meantime. The FSU has been working on sexual harassment policies and will examine procedures, including discrimination reporting and investigating procedures, after that is completed.
8. Data analysis and data collection
The gender and race equity study, mandated by the FSU’s contracts in our 2012-14 contract (and again in our 2014-17 and 2017-20 contracts) has been completed and is available here. The university has agreed to conduct a gender and race salary equity study as well.
The FSU received some data from the university. A preliminary analysis has been completed and a report will be forthcoming. The FSU has formally requested additional information and data needed.
9. Clarifications:
A. The FSU held a meeting with affected CPCS instructors transferring to other colleges and a grievance officer reached out to every instructor to see if they wanted help, guidance or advice.
B. The FSU held a meeting with some members of Africana Studies about the receivership of Africana Studies as well as their other concerns. The FSU did not take these issues as a grievance because the grievance officers did not see a viable grievance, but invited the faculty to pursue one themselves (they did). The FSU invited specific proposals on what the faculty in Africana Studies wanted the FSU to do regarding these issues in light of this and to meet with the MTA consultant to discuss options. We regret that this did not occur.
There is more work to be done and I regret that some faculty feel that the FSU didn’t do enough. I hope the FSU will continue to make progress on these issues and continue to address faculty concerns.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marlene Kim, FSU President
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