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Stop the proposal to increase your share of your health care premiums from 20% to 25%

The MTA will have a lobbying day on Thursday, April 2nd, 9:30 AM at the State House in the Gardner Auditorium to tell legislatures that we oppose increasing your share of health care premiums from 20% to 25%.  With the increases in co-pays and deductibles you will face, these increased premium costs will be a hardship for our families.   

Significant changes for your health care costs already include (and we cannot change these): 

•    Deductibles will increase for individuals from $250 to $300 per year and for families from $750 to $900 per year.
•    Co-pays for office visits to specialists will rise from $25/$35/$45 to $30/$60/$90.
•    Outpatient surgery co-pays will increase from $125/$150 per occurrence to $250 per occurrence.
•    Inpatient hospital admissions will increase from $250/$500/$750 to $275/$500/$1,500.
•    Premiums increases for most plans, for an average of 5.7%  See
here for more info.  For the percentage change in your specific plan, see the FY 16 increase table
From the FSU

Reminder!  Nominations for FSU Officers and Executive Members are due Friday April 1 by 1PM. Seats for the following constituencies are up for re-election: Tenure Track Faculty, Tenured Faculty, and Non-Tenure Track Faculty. In addition, the office of Vice President is open for re-election (the VP can be from any constituency).  Contact the FSU if you are interested in running.