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September 14, 2022

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2022 (hybrid: ISC 1-1400 and Zoom)

Executive Committee Members Present: Caroline Coscia (President); Jeff Melnick (Vice President); Chris Barcelos; Lynne Benson; Monique Fuguet; Sana Haroon; Jessica Holden; Meghan Kallman; Linda Liu; Brian White

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli (FSU Senior Staff Member); Katie D’Urso (MTA rep); Joel Fish; Ellen Frank; Keith Jones; Timothy Oleksiak; Tony Van Der Meer

  1. Approve Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

  2. Approve Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of the May 13 Executive Committee meeting and e-votes on FSU response to Provost’s letter regarding Africana Studies and FSU statement on SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

  3. Executive Committee Operations: Formal Votes
    1. Treasurer: Monique Fuguet
    2. Clerk: Jessica Holden
    3. Elections Committee: Dana Commesso, Lynne Benson, Travis Johnston, and Monique Fuguet
    4. Sick Leave Bank Committee: Natalia Scarpetti
    5. Anti-Racism Committee: Trei Martin, Mickaella Perina, and Keith Jones
    6. Communications Committee: Jeff Melnick, Jessica Holden, Lynne Benson, and Linda Liu

Motion to approve all positions listed above. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.


  1. FSU Committees: Vacancies
    1. Anomaly Committee: FSU contract stipulates a salary anomaly pool. TT faculty, librarians, and clinical nursing faculty are eligible. The Anomaly Committee decides how to allocate the money from the pool to eligible members with salary anomalies. We need two volunteers for this committee. Sana and Brian might be interested in serving.
    2. Parliamentarian: We need one volunteer. Caroline and Travis have each served as parliamentarian in the past. The parliamentarian needs to be familiar with Robert’s Rules. Meghan volunteers. Motion to approve Meghan as the new FSU parliamentarian. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
    3. Health and Safety: This committee meets once per month with representatives from PSU and CSU and raises health and safety issues with the Administration. We need two FSU members to join this committee. Caroline will attend committee meetings until we have new committee members.
    4. Parking Bargaining: Joe Brown is on sabbatical, so we need one FSU member to join Caroline on this multi-union committee. Parking bargaining starts in person on September 29. There are 3 representatives from PSU, 2 from CSU, and 1 from DCU.

  2. Special Election: Jeff’s tenured representative position is vacant now that he is FSU Vice President. The Elections Committee will hold a special election to fill the vacancy, possible in October. We will return to this agenda item at next week’s meeting.

  3. Member Communications Schedule: The FSU now has two regularly scheduled membership communications: The Point, continuing from last year, and Nuts & Bolts, a newly launched email blast. Both went out on Monday of this week. Discussion of content for upcoming communications content, including the Fair Share Amendment, parking bargaining, and student debt. Jeff will draft a post on the Fair Share Amendment.

  4. Bargaining Team Formation: The current FSU contract ends in June 2023. This semester we will assemble a Core Bargaining Team and a Contract Action Team. Discussion of the schedule for assembling these teams, including distribution an application to the FSU membership, surveying the membership on bargaining priorities, and notifying the Administration of who will be taking course releases and stipends. Discussion of representation of all constituencies and colleges. We will continue with expanded bargaining.

  5. Timothy Oleksiak: FSU Social Media Interns: Timothy is the Director of the Professional and New Media Writing Program in the English Department. That program’s capstone is an internship. Discussion of engaging students in an FSU social media internship, giving them experience outside the classroom where they can learn about how an active labor union communicates with its membership. Discussion of faculty supervision and number of work hours for student interns. Timothy and Jeff will work on this project and will continue this discussion with the Executive Committee.

  6. Fair Share Amendment: Katie leads discussion on MTA’s advocacy for the Fair Share Amendment, including recruiting FSU members to do phone banking. Phone bank participants need access to a computer, cell phone, and wifi connection, and Katie is providing training and support for phone banking. Katie will email a list of phone banking dates to the Executive Committee. There are Fair Share lawn signs in the union office.

  7. Department Printer and Toner Policy: Brief discussion of departmental printers and toners.

  8. Summer Parking Passes DID NOT DISCUSS

  9. Faculty Council Meeting Update DID NOT DISCUSS

  10. Forum: Update DID NOT DISCUSS

    Motion to go into Executive Session. Motion seconded.


Motion to adjourn Executive Session. Motion seconded. Meeting adjourned.