Dear FSU Members,
The FSU was supposed to have our first main table bargaining session on Wednesday, but the Administration ghosted us. They simply did not show up to bargain on Zoom with our CBT and expanded team because they refuse to negotiate openly and transparently. We must continue to insist on expanded bargaining on Zoom – it is the best path towards negotiations that are accessible to our members and will bring concrete results for faculty and librarians. The FSU has also started parking bargaining in coalition with the other unions on campus and has received an outrageous proposal from the Administration that would hike parking fees even higher than they already are.
Please join us on Wednesday, April 12th 1:30-2:30 for the following event:
The Contract Action Team*
*[The Contract Action Team, or CAT, is an FSU committee that supports the Core Bargaining Team. To join, please email: FSU@umb.edu]