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REMINDER: Nomination Period for FSU Spring 2025 Elections


Dear Colleagues, 

The Faculty Staff Union (FSU) holds an election every Spring semester for positions on the FSU Executive Committee.  

The positions up for election or re-election in Spring 2025 include: 

Vice President

Non-Tenure Track (2 positions)

Pre-Tenure (1 position)

Tenured (2 positions)

The attached document contains an election overview along with the schedule of election activities including nominations, campaigning, and voting.  

Nomination period: Nominations will be accepted during the nomination period: Friday, January 31st to 4PM on Friday, February 21, 2025.  The Nomination Form is attached.  

Term of Office: Each Executive Committee member’s term runs for two (2) years. For example, those elected in 2025 began their term at the conclusion of the academic year and serve to May 2027, the end of the academic year.  

Voting Platform: For this election cycle, we will be using Qualtrics. You will receive detailed information about this prior to the voting period in the spring. 

The Elections Committee has our own email account, Watch for election communications to come from this email address. 

Please feel free to contact us with any questions. 

FSU Elections Committee:

Caroline Coscia, Senior Lecturer II, Political Science 

Monique Fuguet, Senior Lecturer, Mathematics 

Travis Johnston, Assistant Professor, Political Science 

FSU Elections Committee


