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REMINDER: FSU - LBGTQ+ Affinity Group – Queer/Trans Trivia Bee


Dear FSU members,

We, Jessica Holden (Librarian), Timothy Oleksiak (English Dept), and Janna Kellinger (Curriculum and Instruction Dept.), are starting an LGBTQA+ Affinity  group for FSU members. Our first event will be a virtual Queer/Trans Trivia Bee on April 25th at 7pm. It will be run similar to Team Trivia except in Zoom where participants will be divided into breakout rooms and teams will be given two minutes to answer the questions. The winners will receive bragging rights and the title of Queer/Trans Trivia Bee Champion. Invite anyone you think might be interested and bring your thinking cap! 

Here is the information: April 25th at 7 pm at the zoom link below.

We hope to see you there!

Jessica, Timothy, and Janna

 (contact FSU for Zoom information).