FSU General Assembly meeting minutes 10/3/18
1. Agenda: Motion to approve agenda. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
2. FSU Treasurer Report (contact the FSU for a copy of this report).
A. Discussion of Progressive Dues by income- The FSU will constitute a committee to investigate different approaches to graduated dues or inequity issues in (FSU) dues. This committee will develop a minimum of three options to be considered at the next General Assembly to be held no later than February, 2019. Motion seconded. Motion passes. Noted that the intention is for dues change to be effective as of Fall 19. Karen S, Joe Ramsey, Steve S interested in committee.
B. Report on the Budget- Report given.
3. Discussion of the Budget- A motion to shift $5K from the FSU blog editor, along with sufficient additional money (up to $5K more) from our reserves to buy out 1 NTT faculty of 1 course for Spring semester 2019. This faculty member will dedicate their release time to organize and mobilize FSU members. The FSU Ex Com will establish an organizing committee that will announce the position, solicit applications in the Fall semester of 2018, write the job description, and oversee the position. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
Noted that the Ex Com will determine what the organizing projects will be. Emilio Sauri volunteered to run the FSU blog.
4. Discussion of the Process for the Budget- Motion that the Ex Com develop a process to communicate, unveil, and gather input from members with respect to the budget. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
5. Adjournment at 2 pm