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May 19, 2020

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

May 19, 2020 (via zoom)

Ex Com Members Present: Marlene Kim; Jessica Holden; Caroline Coscia; Jeff Melnick; Monique Fuguet; Tracy Brown; Emilio Sauri; Tim Sieber; Meghan Kallman; Joe Brown; Joe Ramsey; Jose Martinez-Reyes; Linda Liu

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator; Katie D’Urso, MTA Field Rep; Steve Striffler, FSU President Elect; Mary Oleskewicz, FSU member

  1. Approval of the agenda: Motion to add one minute Election Committee update after #3.. Motion to approve as amended seconded. Motion as amended passes unanimously.
  2. Approval of the minutes: Motion to approve 5/12/20 Ex Com minutes. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously. Motion to approve 5/15/20 Ex Com e-vote minutes. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
  3. Elections Committee Update: Marlene Kim contacted the FSU Elections Committee with concerns about election process in Spring 20. Marlene responded that she is not disputing the election result but wanted to respond to the elections committee’s emails during the election and to encourage them to meet with the MTA as discussed in a previous ex com meeting to discuss election procedures and policies.   
  4. JCC Members: Proposed that Tim Sieber, Caroline Coscia, Ellen Frank, and Steve Striffler be elected as JCC members for 20-21. Motion to approve. Motion seconded. Motion approved (10 in favor, 1 abstention).
  5. Adding members to core bargaining team: motion to add Jessica Holden to core bargaining team. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously
  6. Coronavirus/NTT non-reappointment: Discussion of the Administration’s proposed academic continuity committee for Covid related issues for Fall 20 (Jeff Melnick is on this committee) and the FSU’s involvement. This committee is not equivalent to the committee that was agreed to in the Spring 20 impact bargaining tentative agreement. Agreed that FSU should seek to have an NTT rep on this committee. Agreed to ask Amy Todd to serve. Discussion of DL summer course memo from Provost and Grievance Committee assessment of this assertion. Discussion of NTT non-reappointment letters and possible FSU response. Katie and Lorenzo will have information to share with NTTs by Friday’s NTT meeting. Emilio reported on response from the DCU re non-reappointments and enrollment predictions. Emilio will provide this info to Ex Com in a summary spreadsheet. Discussion that the Core Bargaining Team will address impact of non-reappointment letters vis a vis negotiating over delayed continuing appointments, etc. Requested that CBT keep Ex Com updated on this progress.
  7. Drop membership timeline: Discussion of whether or not to allow members to drop their FSU membership after 60 days (the status quo) or change this to allowing them to drop their  membership only on their anniversary date of joining (this effectively extends the 60 days to up to a year). The reason for making such a change is to delay these if there is a decertification campaign. Not any support for making this change so the FSU will keep to the status quo: i.e. members can drop their FSU membership only after 60 days. 
  8. Healey Grants: Update given. The Administration said that grants are available to junior faculty only and Mary indicated she has previously received grants despite being tenured. This could be considered an unfair labor practice charge and so FSU has 6 months from last L-M meeting to file. Motion to table this discussion. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
  9. Course schedules and assignments.  Courses and course schedules, and getting some transparency about that process within departments/Schools.  How are courses assigned/evaluated?  Discussions of concern over how courses are assigned and in course caps. Discussion of possible FSU statement on this issue, idea of asking Faculty Council to develop best practices document. Suggested that DCU be contacted for further discussion of this issue. Motion for Meghan to write to DCU and Faculty Council to discuss issue of course assignments/consultation sometime in the Fall. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.  Meghan will also cc Joe Ramsey on this contact.
  10. Class caps: Discussion of average workload clause in contract and issues of how to enforce class size limits. Grievance Committee previously assessed class size increase issue. Discussion of concerns over NTT input into determining class sizes. Discussion about developing best practices document on this issue as well. Joe R. will follow up with Meghan.
  11. Group Norms (contact FSU for document): Discussion of document, whether or not to vote on this now or leave to next Ex Com. Decided to not address this for this AY.
  12. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn meeting. Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously.  MEETING ADJOURNED