Members Present: Ursula Tafe Marlene Kim Kathy Kogan Sofya Aptekar Heike Schotten John Hess Joseph Brown Bill Campbell Monique Fuguet Leila Farsakh Ping-Ann Addo Loan Dao Meghan Bailey Caroline Coscia Emmett Schaefer Deb Metzel Steven Levine Jessica Holden Doreen Drury Amy Todd Ginny Karlis Daria Boeninger Susanna Gallor Peggy Walsh Andrea Leverentz Larry Kaye Harry Konstanidis Kade Finoff Karen Suyemoto Xuan Peng Al Leisinger Adam Beresford Sandy Howland Linda Dumas
Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator
There was discussion of the newsletter and whether or not can we get rid of it in order to save money or have it done on a volunteer basis. Comment was made that deciding to get rid of the newsletter editor would in reality mean not having a newsletter given the complications of creating one.
There was a question as to why there as only $5 proposed dues increase, rather than a $10 one. There was discussion of the proposed dues increase and the various budget possibilities discussed by the Executive Committee. Motion made to approve proposed FSU FY17 budget inclusive of $5 dues increase. Motion seconded. Discussion ensues. Motion passes (2 opposed). FSU FY17 budget is approved.
There was discussion of the proposed FY17 Joint Coordinating Committee budget. Marlene Kim noted that the JCC budget includes salary for our accountant as well as money allocated for arbitrations. Motion made to approve of the proposed FY17 JCC budget. Motion seconded. Motion passes. JCC FY17 budget is approved.