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March 8, 2017

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Members Present: Marlene Kim; John Hess; Peggy Walsh; Ursula Tafe; Andres Henao-Castro; Tina Mullins; Ellen Frank; Kathy Kogan; Linda Dumas; Sofya Aptekar

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator; Jeff Keisler, FSU TT Grievance Officer


1.FSU Elections- Elections close 3/10/17.

2.MTA Annual meeting-  Friday and Saturday, May 19-20, 2017, at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA. There will not be a Presidential election this year. Peggy, John, Ursula volunteer to be delegates. FSU will send notice to members.

3.NEA meeting in Boston-   June 30-July 5; Boston.

4.FSU Annual Meeting- April 26, 2-4 pm in Crossley Lounge W 6 47.

  1. FSU Budget Update- We are going to discuss the FSU budget during the April Ex Com meeting since JCC accountant won’t have draft version until later in March. FSU might need to set up an additional meeting just for FSU budget issues.
  2. Employee Assistance Program (EAP. Discussion of benefits of program:  3 free sessions to employee and those in household, free consultation with a lawyer, and subsequent discounts for lawyers. EAP was also discussed at a previous UMB Health and Safety Committee meeting. Kathy would like to work with HR as a rep from Ex Com to fix issues with the program and requests that the FSU publicize this benefit. Motion made to approve Kathy Kogan to work as official Ex Com rep with Admin on fixing issues related to the EAP program. Motion seconded. Motion made to approve Kathy Kogan to work as official Ex Com rep with Admin on fixing issues related to the EAP program passes. Discussion of whether FSU could ask UMB for info on ways for faculty to have info on dealing with distressed and distressing students.
  3. Discussion and approval of CM 2  2: Discussion of the CM 2:2 and approval to move forward to approve without amending. 
  4. CLR’s for Phd Dissertations- Discussion of whether or not there has been a change in how CLR’s are granted for faculty members who supervise PhD students. There was a question of whether such CLR’s are applicable to NTTs. Anyone with info on this should contact FSU. It was noted that this is a departmental policy and is not in the contract. Noted that in CM, such CLR’s are no longer given.
  5. Budget update at UMB:  The  FSU and other unions requested an open forum. 
  6. Recordings of faculty- Discussion of students recording faculty during classes. It was noted that this practice is illegal (without permission of instructor). It was also noted that student government will be addressing this. Marlene will contact Mickey on  legal aspects of this issue including clarification on whether all students in class need to give permission for classes with student discussions (not just lectures).; we will ask the Administration to send a memo to members through Student Affairs (John Hess will draft email).


  2. Approval of the 2/8/17 Ex Com meeting minutes- There was discussion of striking ‘if needed’ from item #2. Motion made to approve as amended. Motion seconded. Motion to approve 2/8/17 Ex Com meeting minutes as amended passes.
  3. Statement against white supremacist group- [STATEMENT IS BELOW]. Discussion of content of statement. Motion made for FSU Ex Com to endorse statement. Motion is seconded. Motion for FSU Ex Com to endorse the statement passes.
  4. Vote to Send Flowers to Caroline Coscia for Surgery- FSU grievance officer and Elections Committee member Caroline Coscia will be having surgery shortly. Discussion of FSU sending her flowers as a thank you for all of the work and to wish her a speedy recovery. Motion made to purchase flowers for Caroline Coscia on behalf of the FSU Ex Com. Motion seconded. Motion to purchase flowers for Caroline Coscia on behalf of the FSU Ex Com passes.
  5. Recap of reaching out to nonmembers and agency fee payers- Members should focus on outreach to full-time faculty who are fee payers or not non-payers before outreach to part time non-members.   
  6. All union meetings- Marlene reported on her conversation with Mickey, the latter indicated that there could be liability issues and that the coalition name, Facebook page, and description should clearly distinguish this group from the union (nor should we ‘point’ to another Facebook page. Questions were asked about what to do as a follow up; why PSU/CSU were not concerned about implications; how to get coalition to change name.
  8. Bargaining- Marlene presented the bargaining update that went to members.  We agreed that we would need to start an organizing campaign soon in order to get anything out of these negotiations.  We agreed we need an open meeting of the membership to discuss bargaining to begin that campaign. We will share the results of the member survey with the ex comm but not put them on the web site.  Volunteers included John Hess, Peggy W and Sofya for this campaign. 
  9. FSU Bylaws- We discussed briefly the approved changes in the by-laws.  Caroline needs to tweak the language in article 5 and then that should be shared with the ex comm for final approval.
  10. NTT Caucus- Ellen Frank reported that the NTT caucus recommends that we publicize when and where ex comm meetings will be held so our members can come, that some at the last caucus think we need to communicate more with members, and that information should be sent to members about the possible return of the Friedrichs case.  We discussed why we decided not to do the latter. 


ComPsych EAP

FSU Presentation  3/8/17

Kathryn Kogan –


Last summer Shauna Manning reached out to me, because I’m FSU and a Psychologist, to get my input on the new Employee Assistance website from the new vendor, ComPsych.


Access problem:  Finding it on HR/University website

Shauna was concerned about the requirement for a log-in

She felt a lot of the material on the website was not helpful and there was a shortage of info on important topics like bullying.


Locating ComPsych from the UMB Homepage:

Faculty & Staff – Campus Services – Human Resources – Employee Assistance Program


While I explored the ComPsych website expecting to be frustrated and disappointment, I had a positive experience. I was not, however, looking for written material on the website as Shauna had done.


I did complete the log-in and went through a brief process to request counseling for a personal problem (my aging parents).  Within 24 hours I received a call from a Master’s level therapist at ComPsych who assisted me in locating a suitable clinician close to my home.


My conversation with the ComPsych representative went extremely well.  She was professional, respectful, and knowledgeable about the benefit I was entitled to.  She located a clinician for me to see, five minutes from my home.


The Counseling Benefit:

  • If you request a social worker or psychologist they will find you one.  Male or female. 
  • Three free sessions with a clinician of your choice.
  • After that, you can either call in with another problem to receive 3 more sessions with the same professional, or continue on your own insurance or request additional sessions from ComPsych.


This benefit is available to anyone living in the employee’s household.


I felt the service was excellent.  The process was very responsive and efficient.  I felt confident in contacting the recommended counselor to set up an appointment to talk about my personal problem.


They offer similar service for lawyers and financial planners.


ComPsych Representative’s Visit, 11/17/16           

Trish Mahoney, Acct. Manager for campuses  (North Carolina)

We should contact Heather Batherwich in HR with any suggestions


Question about a violent caller:  Master’s level or above with 3 years counseling experience.  Follow an at-risk protocol.  If someone has intent to harm, they let the University know that. 


Follow-up issue:  currently HR is called first, they have an on-call system.  We asked that they change this to call Campus Police first, not HR FIRST.


Dedicated 800# - Master’s level clinician will answer, will assess & refer.


Can call for a critical incident or consultation as well as personal problems.


(elder care services)

15 languages


Short-term counseling.  3 sessions per person per issue.  Can call with a different presenting issue.  The year starts in January. Anyone living in your household.


Long-term counseling:  drug or alcohol.  Have them transition to their medical plan OR work with the counselor.  A few more visits can be requested. 


Different degreed professionals, patient can request different languages and can request a particular degree. 


LEGAL CONNECT:  Will get free 30” consultation AND 25% off the services.  Can talk to next available or get a call-back.  ComPsych has staff attorneys.  They don’t do written documents. 



Can get help with tax questions.  Free. 


WORK-LIFE BALANCE:  (catch-all for other areas like event planning, child and elder care, home improvement, rolling stone tickets)   A CONCIERGE SERVICE -- They’ll make a packet of information, will call to make sure the provider can provide the service.


Unlimited Employee Trainings also provided



Faculty of the University of Massachusetts Boston stand in solidarity with our students, condemning the cowardly propaganda actions by hate groups toward UMass Boston, its students, and its campus.

The appearance of hate groups' posters and campus organizers is an affront to us all -- a challenge to the essential values of the UMass Boston community. These hate groups claim they are "opening dialogue" and raising innocent "questions" about race and identity. They are not. These groups are advancing a thinly-veiled agenda of hate, exclusion, and intimidation. We reject them entirely.

Hate groups are not welcome here. UMass Boston is a diverse and supportive community, enriched by immigrants, people of color, Muslims, Jews, LGBTQIA people, and those of all other backgrounds and statuses. UMass Boston stands for inclusion and equality. Those who promote hate and discrimination do not represent our values.

UMass Boston faculty remain vigilant and committed to support all students and communities on this proudly diverse and open campus.