FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2019
Members Present: Marlene Kim; Steve Striffler; Jessica Holden; Emilio Sauri; Tim Sieber; Joe Ramsey; Joseph Brown; Ellen Frank; Caroline Coscia; Monique Fuguet; Jeff Melnick
Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator; Heather LaPenn, MTA; George Kelley, FSU member; Gillian MacNaughton, FSU Grievance Officer; Mickey Gallagher, MTA Consultant; Heather LaPenn; MTA Consultant
5. Discussion of Mt. Ida
6. Fund our Future:
Fund our Future (90 minute event on Weds. April 24)
Volunteers for planning this event: Steve S., Emilio, Caroline
There will be a follow up hearing on the CHERISH Act on April 30th. The MTA will coordinate testimony but people can submit written testimony. There will be a rally at the State House at 4:30 or 5pm on May 16th
7. Celebration of FSU esp around NTT issues: Celebrating things we’ve secured for NTT members. Also celebrating the contributions of senior/retiring/retired members. The consensus was to have this event.
8. NTT grievance officer: Need to recruit a new grievance officer as Caroline Coscia is stepping down