Dear NTT colleagues,
We hope this email finds you doing well at this always busy time of the semester, during this especially difficult year. Thank you for all that you do for our students, community, and UMB mission.
Please join the FSU NTT Ex Com team for an NTT faculty meeting on Friday, April 23, from 3-5pm. Before Spring gets away, come together to share your views about how the semester has been going, to air concerns or share proposals for the union, to meet your new NTT Ex Com representatives, and to hear updates from Ex Com or the Core Bargaining Team, including about our recent workload survey of NTT service and research at UMass Boston.
We will meet via zoom at this link: (contact FSU or Joseph Ramsey for Zoom information).
If you have agenda items that you'd like to be discussed on 4/23, please forward them to or
In solidarity, your NTT Ex Com team,
Tracy Brown, Academic Support and ESL
Caroline Coscia, Political Science, FSU Vice-President
Monique Fuguet, Mathematics
Linda Liu, Sociology
Joe Ramsey, English & American Studies
and new Ex Com-electees!
Lynne Ball Benson, Women's, Gender, Sexuality Studies
Dana Commesso, Exercise and Health Sciences
For information on the FSU, links to our contract and bargaining updates, and a calendar of events, see the FSU webpage