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Join the FSU for Contract Bargaining on February 12


Dear Colleagues, 

The FSU held our first bargaining session of the spring semester this week with the Administration. We discussed proposals regarding librarians, Associate Lecturers, and other NTT-related issues. We expect to continue those discussions at our session next Wednesday

Please register now for next week's in-person bargaining session, which will be on Wednesday, February 12, from 9:45-11:30am in ISC room 2003 (contact the FSU office or the Core Bargaining Team for registration information). The deadline to register is next Monday at 5:00pm. Thank you to all of you who have attended our bargaining sessions so far. If you are signing up with us again, please bring a friend! If this will be your first session, we are so glad you are joining us. Attending as a silent representative is a great way to see how the bargaining process works and to learn about what issues the FSU and the Administration are fighting for. 

See all of our contract proposals here. And keep an eye out for invitations to our future bargaining sessions, which are currently scheduled for every Wednesday, 9:45-11:30am, starting February 19 and ending on Wednesday, March 12 (2/19, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12; room info to be provided). 

In solidarity, 

The FSU Core Bargaining Team 

Caroline Coscia, Senior Lecturer II, Political Science 

Ellen Frank, Senior Lecturer II, Economics 

Maria Hegbloom, MTA Field Representative 

Jessica Holden, Librarian IV, Healey Library 

Keith Jones, Lecturer, Africana Studies 

Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Senior Staff Member 

Jason Rodriquez, Associate Professor, Sociology 

Heike Schotten, Professor, Political Science 

Steve Striffler, Professor, Labor Studies