Dear Member,
As you may be aware, the recently ratified contract contains a new rank of Senior Lecturer III and a course load reduction for full-time Senior Lecturer II’s (see here for an overall summary of the 20-23 contract; more information on contract implementation for other provisions will be provided shortly). We are sending the information below to all members, not just the impacted NTT, so all members are aware of the contract details and because the course load reductions outlined below may have a broader impact on departmental course assignments in general.
What is a Senior Lecturer III?
Non-tenure-track faculty at the ranks of Senior Lecturer III/Clinical Senior Lecturer III shall normally have a full-time-equivalent instructional load of 3-3, with a further increased service load.
How is Senior Lecturer III different from Senior Lecturer II?
A full-time Senior Lecturer II (4/4 teaching load), when promoted to Senior Lecturer III has a teaching load of 3/3. In exchange for teaching a 3/3 load, you will do additional service.
What is additional service?
The contract language states, “further increased service load”. We did not specify the service so that you may work with your chair and department on service activities.
Do I get more money if promoted?
The increase to base salary is $6500 (pro-rated to percentage of time). The promotional raise is effective September 1st of the year promoted.
How do I become a Senior Lecturer III?
You need to apply for the promotion.
What are the criteria to apply?
Senior Lecturer II's with the requisite amount of service (6 full-time equivalent years as Senior Lecturer II) are eligible to apply. This is consistent with other NTT promotion criteria. Note that all Senior Lecturer II’s of any percentage of time with the 6 full-time equivalent years of service as a Senior Lecturer II are eligible to apply for Senior Lecturer III. All those promoted will receive the promotional raise but only those promoted to Senior Lecturer III who are 100% will be granted the 3-3.
When can I submit promotion materials?
You will need to inform your department chair of your intent to file for promotion by May 27, 2022. The FSU will send a reminder email prior to this date.
Promotion to Senior Lecturer III follows the same schedule as promotion to Senior Lecturer and Senior Lecturer II.
What is the promotion timeline?
May 27, 2022: No later than this date, send an email to you chair with your intent to file for promotion.
January 2023: Normally the first day of Spring semester classes, submittal of your promotion materials to your chair by this date.
Late February/March 2023: Department Personnel Committee makes decision and forwards to department chair.
March 2023: Department chair forwards file with recommendation to the Dean for review by the College Personnel Committee (CPC).
Mid to Late April 2023: CPC forwards recommendation to the Dean.
Late May/Early June 2023: Dean makes recommendation and forwards to the provost.
August 15th 2023: Notification to the faculty member of promotion.
September 1st, 2023: Promotion and promotional raise effectuated
What materials do I need to submit?
The contract contains in Article 21.12.3 the list of items that are required. These include a personal statement and current vitae. In addition, other materials you feel are essential to a review which includes samples of syllabi and assignments.
The FSU will hold a workshop in early December on submittal materials.
Who is eligible for the course load reduction for Senior Lecturer II’s?
Full-time Senior Lecturer II’s will have a standard teaching load of 4-3 or 3-4. In exchange for teaching a 4-3/ 3-4 load, you will do additional service.
When will the 3-4/4-3 course load be implemented?
This will be implemented in 22-23.
Do I have to apply for the 4-3/3-4 course load?
No. It should be automatically implemented. Please contact your chair for more information (note that the Administration has recently indicated to the FSU that they are still in the process of contacting departments and deans regarding guidelines for the new 3-4/4-3 course load reduction for Senior Lecturer II’s so some departments may not yet have planned for the implementation).
Please let us know if you have any questions on any of the above.
From the FSU
For information on the FSU, links to our contract and bargaining updates, and a calendar of events, see the FSU webpage