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FSU Update on NTT Promotion Grievance


Senior Lecturer and Senior Lecturer II Promotion Denials  (see here for current and all previous updates)

A number of NTTs were denied promotion in the Fall of 2016, and to the FSU, this appeared to be based on the expectation that NTTs perform service. The FSU filed a grievance asserting that service cannot be a basis for promotional review unless the individual is contracted to perform such work.

The Administration stated that these denials were based on a broader assessment of the members’ performance, not just service. They were willing to enter into a settlement agreement to resolve this grievance.

In light of this information and the Administration’s settlement offer, we decided that pursuing the grievance further would not be fruitful. We therefore entered into an agreement with the following terms and conditions:

  1. The parties agree not to redo last year's promotional cases (i.e. the ones that were denied), on the grounds that service was not the deciding factor in any of the denials.
  2. The parties agree to allow service to be considered for promotional applications for Senior Lecturer and Senior Lecturer II in 16-17 only if such service could be beneficial to the individual’s case and not if it would harm them (i.e. they will not be penalized in their promotional review for lack of service or poor performance in the area of service).
  3. The parties agree that the issue of service requirements for non-tenure track faculty will be addressed during the current round of bargaining  and will be implemented when this contract goes into effect (July 1, 2017).