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FSU Members Vote To Ratify The 2017-2020 Contract


Dear FSU members,

Voting on the ratification of our 2017-2020 contract ended at 12:00PM today.

The results are:

Election Question: Should the proposed collective bargaining Agreement between the FSU/MTA/NEA and the UMass Board of Trustees be ratified?

Response                            Count                                    Percent

YES                                         306                                         97%

NO                                             9                                          2%

Number of members who voted is 315 which is 32% of eligible voters.

Watch your email next week for information from the FSU as to the next steps in the ratification and implementation process.

The Elections Committee thanks members for voting.

From The FSU Elections Committee:

Sofya Aptekar, Sociology

Caroline Coscia, Political Science

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