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FSU Forum: Campus Reopening and Workplace Safety – June 3rd


Dear FSU Members,

Please Save the Date:  Wednesday, June 3rd, 1:30 to 3:00.   (contact the FSU office for Zoom meeting info)

Please join the FSU and Professors Lorena Estrada-Martinez and Eduardo Siquiera for a discussion about the many health and workplace safety issues associated with a potential campus reopening. 

Who should decide when, to what extent, in what form, and for whom the UMB campus reopens?  Does reopening the campus in the Fall make sense?  What sorts of protections need to be in place for students, faculty, and staff to return to campus, whether it is in the Fall or Spring?  Does UMB have sufficient resources and expertise to open the campus, and keep it safe and clean, for diverse numbers of faculty, staff, and students who not only possess a range of health issues themselves, but may also have families to consider, support, and care for?

How can faculty and librarians protect themselves and guarantee that their voices are not only heard, but central to decisions that impact their health and well-being?

Please join the FSU Forum to listen and share your concerns around workplace safety with respect to a potential campus reopening. 


Caroline Coscia, Senior Lecturer II, Political Science, FSU Vice President

Steve Striffler, FSU President-Elect, Director of the Labor Resource Center and Professor, Anthropology