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FINAL REMINDER: TOMORROW May 15th Deadline To Notify Department of Intent to Apply for NTT Promotions


Dear Colleagues,

According to Article 21.12.3 of the contract, NTTs who intend to apply for promotion to Senior Lecturer, Senior Lecturer II or Senior Lecturer III must notify their department of their intent to apply in the semester prior to the year in which the application is due (the exact timeline is outlined in the Master Academic Calendar). This means that if you intend to go up for promotion to Senior Lecturer, Senior Lecturer II  or Senior Lecturer III next year, you must notify your department of your intent to apply for promotion by TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY May 15th, 2024 (note that the May 15th timeline applies to promotions for Clinical Professors, all ranks, as well).

This deadline is only to signal intent to apply--you do not have to have your application completed until the first day of the Spring 25 semester should you be deemed eligible to apply. We strongly recommend that you review Article 21.12 for further information on promotional eligibility criteria so you can better determine if you will be eligible.

It is important to note that you will not be notified by the Administration of your eligibility to apply- you will have to determine that yourself. If you think you might be eligible but are not sure we encourage you to notify your department anyway of your intent to apply. If it turns out you are not yet eligible, you will be notified accordingly and can apply when you are next deemed eligible. There is no penalty in regards to future eligibility if you signal intent to apply now but are deemed ineligible at this time.

Please contact the FSU office if you have any questions.

From the NTT representatives of the FSU Executive Committee:

Lynne Benson, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality

Dana Commesso, Exercise and Health Sciences

Caroline Coscia, FSU President, Political Science

Monique Fuguet, Mathematics

Linda Liu, Sociology




