Members Present: Heike Schotten Marlene Kim Catherine Lynde John Hess Xiaogang Deng Phil Chassler Kathy Kogan
Others Present: Mickey Gallagher, MTA Consultant Jeffrey Keisler, FSU Grievance Officer Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator
Faculty Council Meeting- Catherine Lynde recounted a statement she gave at the last FC meeting concerning the higher raises that administrators have received relative to the faculty.
FSU Workshops- The FSU is planning a number of workshops for the Spring semester, including a tenure workshop planned for April. Ex Com members John Hess and Heike Schotten will ask a few recently tenured colleagues to see if they would be willing to speak with attendees at the April meeting.
Report from CFA Public Higher Ed Conference-John Hess and Heike Schotten recounted their experiences at this January conference largely organized by the AAUP. The conference was designed to bring together higher ed employees from around the country and brainstorm ways that a national, pro-public higher ed movement could be launched. It was noted that there were 67 attendees from 21 states and 16 different unions. A committee was formed that would draft a statement of principles, establish a national organization, and promote a day of action with a national kick-off campaign to occur in May. The intention was to create a national grassroots movement that could be helped but not co-opted by larger national organizations. The general impression was very positive and it was hoped that the FSU could continue to have members involved in this organization as it moves forward.
Report from the ‘State Revenue Campaign Kick-Off’- Catherine will learn more about this initiative at MTA’s HELC meeting and will report back later.
NEA Higher Ed Conference- The NEA’s annual higher ed conference will be taking place in Boston this year (March 25-27). An email will be sent to FSU members informing them of the conference and offering reimbursement and/or partial compensation for up to 6 members.
8AM Class Start Time- UMB admin was supposed to move forward with block scheduling (i.e. having courses scheduled for MW, Th, and longer classes on Fri). The FSU was told that this block scheduling would be arranged in exchange for a prior agreement to have classes start at 8AM. Catherine met with the Provost to inquire about the status of this issue.
CBA Update- Language on the 09-12 CE contract is done. There was discussion of how many hard copies to print. It was agreed that 100 copies would be printed with more to printed if needed at a later date. It was agreed that an email will be sent to the bargaining unit with a summary of the new changes in the CBA, delineated for TT and NTT faculty. It was agreed that the summaries of the CBA sent months ago when agreement was initially reached would be resent as a reminder. It was also agreed that everyone in both the day and CE bargaining units would ratify the contract since there are changes that will effect both units as well as both TT and NTT faculty.
NTT ORP/SERS Class Action- Admin has been unwilling to retroactively apply current teaching load FTE’s to past work performed (i.e. to make 3-credit courses taught in the past count as 0.25 FTE). However, they are willing to write a letter asking SERS to change the past FTE’s on their own. Mickey Gallagher will meet with HR head, Jeff McCue to discuss this situation further.
FSU Website
CL and LN reported on their meeting with a rep from web site designers/providers Union Web Services (UWS). A cost estimate was presented to the Ex Com. There was a question as to whether or not paying UWS a monthly fee was worth it. There was also question as to whether or not UWS would be the sole proprietor of the website it builds for the FSU. CL and LN will find out the UWS policies in this regard. Marlene Kim will also get information on a colleague who may be able to build and service the website at a lower cost.
Job Description for Second FSU Staffer
Catherine Lynde asked for input on fleshing out the job description for a proposed part-time position for someone to work with tenure track faculty. It was suggested that the job description be written with as much specificity as possible, that it be labeled an ‘organizer’ position, and that any hire be a current or retired tenured/tenure track faculty member from UMB. Mickey Gallagher suggested that any proposal for a new FSU staffer first be run by Lorenzo Nencioli to see how/if this would impact his job functions. MG and LN agreed to meet ASAP to discuss their questions/concerns.
Bargaining Proposals
It was reported that MSP has already started thinking about proposals for the 12-15 contract talks. It was noted that the FSU needs to develop a list of bargaining concerns this semester. It was suggested that the FSU Ex Com get a few interested members together to meet and ‘brainstorm’ on discerning important bargaining topics. CL, MK, Jeff Keisler agreed to meet to begin this process. They will also invite former FSU Grievance Office Arthur Goldsmith to attend. It was suggested that the NTT Caucus be asked to provide a list of bargaining priorities. Initial bargaining topics will be presented at the FSU annual meeting in April. Topics will also be selected from meeting attendees.
Senior Lecturer (SL) Promotion Issues
The Grievance Committee will be meeting to discuss ongoing problems with the Senior Lecturer promotion. They will report back to the Ex Com at the next meeting.
CPCS Lecturer Issue
Four SL’s in CPCS were recently given notices of non-re-appointment effective at the start of the Fall 11 semester. There was a request from an Ex Com member that the FSU strongly oppose this action and work to help the effected faculty members. It was noted that while there is little contractual means to fight this (i.e. it is not grievable) the FSU should be active in fighting this in other ways because of the political and moral implications of letting this pass. It was suggested that the effected SL’s be asked if they might be willing to work in other departments or take course work in CE if possible. It was agreed that the MG and PC will contact the SL’s and set up a meeting with them to discuss next steps.
PHENOM Funding
There was discussion of the previous proposal to have the FSU provide $5,000 in funding to PHENOM. It was reported that this funding would not significantly impact the calculation of the FSU/MSP agency fee (i.e. it would not result in a further widening of the gap between dues and the agency fee). A motion was made to have the FSU provide $5,000 in funding to PHENOM. The motion was seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Update on strategic planning from last summer
There was discussion of the FSU’s strategic planning goals established in the August 2010 FSU retreat. It was noted that some progress has been made in a few areas but more needs to be done. MG agreed to go through the list and reformulate it with a list of all accomplishments and needs.
The Governor has ordered all state employees in the GIC to re-enroll in their health plans or choose another one in May (that is the month that the GIC allows members to switch plans). Any employee who does not re-enroll will be automatically placed into the cheapest plan. The FSU will need to provide information to members on this issue when the time arises. It was suggested that the FSU negotiate with HR to have all employees who do not actively switch plans to automatically re-enroll in their current plans. It was reported that UMass President Jack Wilson suggested that UMass pull out of the GIC because its employees are ‘younger and healthier’.
John Hess reminded the Ex Com that Vice Chancellor for A and F Ellen O’Connor agreed to speak to union members about the Umass budget. It was suggested that JH ask Ellen to speak at the FSU annual meeting in April.