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December 5, 2023

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

December 5, 2023, 2:00pm (M-4-624 and Zoom)

Executive Committee Members Present: Caroline Coscia (President); Sana Haroon (Vice President); Chris Barcelos; Lynne Benson; Dana Commesso; Monique Fuguet; Jessica Holden; Patricia Krueger-Henney; Linda Liu; Jared Poole; Wei Zhang

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli (FSU Senior Staff Member); Katie D’Urso (MTA Field Rep); Anneta Argyres (PSU President); Joel Fish; Lakshmi Srinivas


  1. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of the November 7 Executive Committee meeting. Motion seconded. Motion passes.

  2. Update on Raises: The December 22, 2023 paycheck will include the first round of 4% raises, effective back to July 1, 2023. The first paycheck in January will include retro pay, and the second paycheck in January will include the second 4% raise, effective January 1, 2024. FSU will send an email to the membership about this.

  3. Spring 2024 Election Schedule: Positions up for election in spring 2024 include president, librarian, 1 pre-tenure faculty member, 2 tenured faculty members (one of which will be a special election), and 2 non-tenure track faculty members. Tomorrow the FSU Election Committee will inform members whose terms are expiring.  Discussion of election schedule dates, including extending the campaign period from 2 weeks to 3 weeks. Motion to approve the election schedule for spring 2024. Motion seconded. Motion passes.

  4. Spring 2024 CLRs/Stipends: Specific allocations for CLRs and stipends need to be approved for the spring semester. Motion to approve stipends of $2,500 each for Caroline Coscia and Sana Haroon (for their roles as President and Vice President), and $1,200 each for Trei Martin and Laurie Milliken (for their roles as grievance officers). Motion seconded. Motion passes.

  5. MTA Board of Directors Meeting, December 9: Update from PSU President Anneta Argyres, who serves as a representative on the MTA Executive Committee. In November, the MTA Executive Committee unanimously voted to sign the same ceasefire petition that FSU signed earlier this semester. Max Page, as MTA President, signed the petition, and the MTA sent an email about to their membership. Now members are weighing in to both oppose and support the decision to sign the petition. There will be discussion about this petition at the MTA Board meeting this Saturday. MTA Board meetings are open, and this one will be held on Zoom. There is time at the beginning of the meeting for any MTA member to address the Board. Email Deb McCarthy if you are interested in speaking at the meeting. Discussion of the Chancellor’s email regarding an antisemitic hate crime on campus and whether FSU should we send out a message addressing the incident. Consensus that we will hold off on making any statement until we have more details.

  6. The Point – Communications Committee Update: Thanks to Jeff Melnick’s and Steve Striffler’s leadership, The Point committee’s workload has been a success this semester. An issue went out every week.

  7. Parent Group (Linda): Linda proposes to start a multi-union parents’ group. Parenting can be isolating and is expensive. The group could hold regular meetings and serve as a space for parenting advice and resources. FSU will include an announcement in the next Nuts & Bolts regarding the parents’ group.

  8. End of Semester Gathering (Chris): Plan to split this gathering into two parts: the first part will be held in a room at Bayside, and the second part will be held at a bar off campus. Chris and Patricia will work on this.

  9. Spring 2024 Meeting Schedule: Caroline will forward the spring meeting schedule to the Executive Committee via email.