Members Present: Marlene Kim; Peggy Walsh; Jeff Melnick; Askold Melnyczuk; Jason Rodriquez; Steve Striffler; Joseph Ramsey; Ellen Frank; Monique Fuguet; John Hess; Sofya Aptekar; Tina Mullins
Others Present: Ursula Tafe; Lorenzo Nencioli, Membership Coordinator; Caroline Coscia, NTT Grievance Officer; Jeff Keisler, TT Grievance Officer; Emily Steelhammer, MSP Staff
Discussion of Janus and general agreement for the FSU to undertake this activity. MSP had members indicate on membership list who they would contact and return list.To be discussed next session.
5. FSU budget: Discussion of budget. To be discussed next session.
6. Centers and Institutes at UMB:
Discussion of what FSU can do to help them. Discussion of FSU to help center heads meet; send statement of support. Motion to form a committee to draft letter of support for centers/institutes for approval at next Ex Com meeting. Motion seconded. Motion passes. Joe R. Jeff M. will draft statement. Friendly amendment to allow Ex Com to approve vote by email. Friendly amendment passes.
7. Consider adopting a formal policy regarding decision-making (voting) via email and conference calls: Caroline: latest issue of Robert’s Rules of Order has language on email voting on motions. That is operative structure until/unless FSU makes a new policy. Discussion of issue of how quick email votes occur. Suggestion that threshold for approval for e-votes be higher (i.e. 75% rather than 50%+1), having a timeframe for discussion, limit email votes, flag email votes, limit number of emails/have a time limit. Discussion of possibility of having members of Ex Com be able to veto e-vote if they prefer in-person discussion. Decided that Ex Com should work on proposal, have something ready before end of semester. Discussion to be continued.
FSU Annual Meeting- Motion to hold meeting 5/2/18, 12-11:30. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
8. Bargaining update including parking: Motion to go into executive session. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
9. Evaluate how we did the agenda and suggestions forward: We are not getting action items on the agenda, but mostly discussion items.