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Health Insurance

Your health care premium increases and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are having a great break.  Here are some updates and reminders:

Welcome back!


Dear Colleague,

Welcome back to the spring semester.  For those of you just joining us, welcome to UMass Boston! 

Here are some updates and reminders:

► FSU internal organizer for this semester.  Sandra (Sandy) Howland, FSU member and union activist, (Senior Lecturer II, English), will be an FSU internal organizer this semester. Sandy will be working with the FSU to discuss with members their concerns and issues on campus and to increase membership involvement. 

Your health care premiums will increase 3 percent unless we push back


Dear Colleague,

It looks like the Group Insurance Commission wants to increase your health care costs by 3% (see the info from the GIC below).  Please let them know what you think during their ‘listening tour’ before they make decisions that increase costs or reduce services (see attached flyer).

Health insurance hearing next Tuesday


Dear Colleague:

Happy New Year!  We hope many of you are enjoying your break.  To keep health care and parking affordable, please consider the following:


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