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FSU Newsletter Archive

Check out the FSU blog for articles and information on all the latest issues facing our union!!

See below for an archive of articles published in the FSU newsletter through 2015.

Coalition Bargaining: Strength in Solidarity Across Locals and Campuses

By Amy Todd, Department of Anthropology and Assistant Newsletter editor


At the annual MTA Higher Education meeting in April, MTA consultant and attorney Michelle Gallagher led a lively meeting on coalition bargaining which was attended by members of all the UMass Boston locals, our sister chapters at UMass Amherst, state and community college locals and MTA staff members.

Letter from the President


Dear Colleagues:

Welcome to the 8th issue of Union News.  As usual we’ve got interesting stories about, for example, the proposed retirees’ health insurance changes and the non-tenure track organizing going on around Boston.

Salary Raises

I remind you that you’ll get the last negotiated raise for this contract in January 2014.   You’ll get an average of a 1.75% salary increase; 0.50% is across the board and 1.25% is merit.

Negotiating Parking & Transportation

Retirement Health Benefits Threatened for Public Employees

By Amy Todd, Assistant Editor, Union News, Anthropology


We tend to think of Massachusetts as a union-friendly state.  However, the introduction of House Bill 59, An Act Providing Retiree Healthcare Benefits Reform, is a sober reminder that we are not immune to legislative attacks on public sector workers. 

Adjunct Action

By Jennifer Berkshire, Newsletter Editor


Adjunct faculty members at Tufts University recently voted to unionize, becoming part of Adjunct Action, a new adjunct organizing initiative backed by SEIU. The Tufts faculty are part of a growing adjunct uprising around the country and right here in the Boston area. Adjuncts say that unionizing represents their best hope of improving wages, benefits and working conditions.

UMass Faculty Member Runs for President of the MTA

By Dan Clawson, Department of Sociology, UMass Amherst


An effort is underway to dramatically change the MTA by electing a new president and supporting new policies.  The candidate leading this effort is Barbara Madeloni, a faculty member at UMass Amherst. Barbara is an impressive figure, and she is part of a larger movement, Educators for a Democratic Union, that includes K-12 teachers across the state.


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