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FSU Bargaining Impact of COVID-19 3/27/20


Dear Faculty and Librarians,

We hope you are safe and well.

Owning our Past: Learning from the Turbulent History of UMass Boston and Columbia Point


Owning our Past: Learning from the Turbulent History of UMass Boston and Columbia Point

Tim Sieber, Professor of Anthropology and Executive Committee Member, Faculty Staff Union1

The Haitian Teachers Strike: Fighting Back in a Time of Cholera

By Al Leisinger, Mathematics, NTT Grievance Officer


In November, more than 25,000 people demonstrated across Haiti as part of a national teachers strike. Demands of the strike included:

• A minimum salary for teachers and the payment of all back salary due to teachers

• An increase in the number of public schools throughout the country so that all Haitian children can go to school free of charge

• A vaccination campaign against cholera to be conducted in every school and university in order to eradicate cholera from Haiti

Reflections from Chicago: What Kind of Union Do We Need?

By Al Leisinger, Mathematics, NTT Grievance Officer


The Chicago Teachers’ Strike this fall was a signal that we don’t have to lie down and take the attacks on public education that have come down from both Democratic and Republican administrations.  Of the more than 26,000 CTU members who went on strike, just 20 crossed the picket line.

"This is Not Just My Own Life”

Interview with Dorothy Nelson, conducted by Amy Todd, Anthropology



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